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Original Article
Comparison of demographic and clinicopathological characteristics of refugees and Turkish citizens undergoing appendectomy
Aims:This study aimed to compare the demographic and clinical characteristics of refugee and Turkish patients who underwent appendectomy.
Methods: The study examined 215 patients (86 refugees and 129 Turks). Data included age, sex, Alvarado score, neutrophil percentage, white blood cell count, appendix diameter, CRP level, and time to hospital admission. Clinical findings and pathology results were also evaluated.
Results: The average age was 29.51 years for refugees and 31.31 years for Turks. The Alvarado score was similar in both groups; however, the neutrophil percentage was significantly higher in the refugee group. No significant differences were found in appendix diameter, white blood cell count, or CRP levels. The refugee group showed significantly different time to admission and some symptoms (pain shifting to the lower right quadrant, loss of appetite, rebound tenderness). Pathology results indicated acute appendicitis in 80.2% of the refugee group and 79.8% of the Turkish group.
Conclusion: In conclusion, while imaging methods can be very helpful in diagnosing appendicitis in refugees who do not speak the language of the host country, we believe that the role of a translator in obtaining an accurate medical history and conducting a physical examination cannot be underestimated. The study has some limitations, and we recommend conducting more prospective and detailed research.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 76-79