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Comparison of pathologies in patients operated for transverse colon tumor with embryogenic and anatomical insights
Aim: Transverse colon cancers account for only about 10% of all colon cancers. It is generally known that proximal and distal colon tumours have different genetic and biological features. he transverse colon serves as the division point between proximal and distal regions. In this study, transverse colon cancer was classified both embryologically and anatomically, and a comparative analysis was conducted based on pathological results. Method: A retrospective study was conducted on patients who underwent surgery for transverse colon cancer at Ankara Bilkent City Hospital between 2019 and 2023. Patients were classified embryologically as proximal and distal, and anatomically as hepatic angle, middle, and splenic angle, and pathological results were compared among these groups. Results: For embryogenic classification in terms of the final pathological staging, Group A had 1 (1.47%) in Stage 1, 32 (47.05%) in Stage 2, 26 (38.23%) in Stage 3, and 9 (13.23%) in Stage 4. Group B had 2 (2.54%) in Stage 1, 29 (50%) in Stage 2, 20 (34.48%) in Stage 3, and 7 (12.06%) in Stage 4. There was no significant difference between the groups. For anatomical classification , the number of patients in Stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 for Groups 1, 2, and 3 were as follows: Stage 1: 2 (3.5%), 1 (3.57%), 0 (0%); Stage 2: 29 (50.87%), 17 (60.81%), 15 (37.5%); Stage 3: 20 (35.7%), 7 (25%), 19 (47.5%); Stage 4: 7 (12.28%), 3 (10.71%), 6(15%).There was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The pathological results and stages of transverse colon cancers classified embryologically and anatomically showed no significant differences among the groups.

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Volume 1, Issue 4, 2023
Page : 66-70